Sunday, December 28, 2008
Happy New Year 2009
Personally I sometimes think that wearing spectacles could be rather annoying. It somehow feels unnatural. And having short-sightedness is a pathology anyways.
And its actually affecting many people. And buying new spectacles are not cheap at all.
But The popular online eyeglasses shop, Zenni is offering cheap, as cheap as $ 8 Complete Rx Eyeglasses. Could you believe that! I would want to get a pair as soon as possible. Mine is getting old.
The variety of Holiday Glass Frames From Zenni Optical are diverse and totally exotic. You can choose from a big selection and they are trendy!
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Its finally Christmas
And the weather updates for today : A shivering -7 degrees out there I guess.
When I was a kid, Christmas for me means toys, candies and lots of gifts. Our parents told us the story of the birth of Jesus and how the kings at that time went out of their way just to go to the manger where Jesus was born and bring some gifts.
And the best part is that we need to attend the Christmas Eve Mass in church which is going to be full of people. But I enjoyed the carols and crowd. Haha
I guess everyone has got a wish for this Christmas day. My friends are so eager and hoping for the best gifts from their parents. Mine is simple, I hope for the very best in my studies and the best health to my family members.
CEIVA, the market leading brand in digital photo frames offers you a fun Christmas video experience.Check out the special CEIVA Sit on Santa lap webiste, submit a photo and tell Santa your wish, could be granted.
The great thing about the digital frame is that The CEIVA digital frame automatically receives photos by phone or wireless connections. There is even a lifetime warranty. If it breaks, there is a warranty for repair.
As for the contest, 1 random entry will be selected for each day of the contest; cash prize of $500 per winner. I've uploaded mine and its hilarious.
Its your turn now to do the same, and you could be the winner of 500 dollars!

Big Tobacco undermined research in Asia
BANGKOK: Two studies released Tuesday allege that big tobacco companies tried to undermine anti-smoking policies in Asia by infiltrating a research institute in Thailand and providing funding for one in China.
Public health researchers from the University of Sydney and the University of Edinburgh analysed internal industry documents made public following litigation in the United States.
The researchers claimed that Philip Morris planted a scientist in Chulabhorn Research Institute in Bangkok in a bid to get researchers to play down the impact of secondhand smoke.
A separate study including a Mayo Clinic researcher alleges that British American Tobacco provided funding in China for the Beijing Liver Foundation in a campaign to shift the focus there away from smoking dangers to ailments like liver disease.
Both companies denied the charges presented online in the Public Library of Science Medicine journal. The two studies were partly funded by the National Cancer Institute in the United States.
Anti-smoking groups say big tobacco for years has sought to covertly influence government smoking policies and squash scientific findings highlighting the hazards of smoking.
Earlier reviews of company documents have claimed that cigarette companies worked to defeat a tobacco advertising ban in Europe, pressured drug companies to tone down marketing for smoking-cessation products and placed consultants at the World Health Organisation (WHO) to try to subvert efforts to reduce smoking.
Critics contend the companies are turning increasingly to Asia where smokers are on the rise.
WHO estimated this year that 30% of the world’s smokers now live in China and 10% in India. Thailand has seen the number of cigarettes smoked more than double since 1972 to 42 billion sticks in 2004.
“There is no doubt that the WHO regrets the unethical behaviour of tobacco companies that infiltrate research organisations to influence the research process and the findings of such organisations,’’ said Edouard Tursan d’Espaignet, epidemiologist with the WHO’s Tobacco Free Initiative.
In the Thai study, University of Sydney’s Ross MacKenzie and University of Edinburgh’s Jeff Collin allege that Philip Morris scientist Roger Walk was able to lecture and organise conferences at the Thai government-funded Chulabhorn from the early 1990s to at least 2006.
The researchers say this allowed Philip Morris to develop relationships with key officials and scientists in efforts to discount the threat of secondhand smoke.
Spokesman Marija Sepic of Switzerland-based Philip Morris International -- which separated this year from the US branch of the company -- dismissed the documents as outdated and said the company never hid its affiliation with Walk.
However, Chulabhorn associate vice-president Jutamaad Satayavivad said the institute was not aware Walk worked for Philip Morris until about a decade into his tenure. After seeing the study, institute officials plan to bar him because he was“not straightforward in sharing with us,” she said.
The other study alleges that London-based British American Tobacco used the Beijing Liver Foundation to lobby China’s Health Ministry in a campaign to forestall smoke-free legislation.
The researchers say documents show that the company provided training for industry, public officials and the media to spread its message that secondhand smoke was an insignificant source of pollution.
“Our findings show that despite the tobacco industry’s public efforts to appear socially responsible and to assert that they are part of the solution to the global tobacco epidemic, there is a fundamental conflict between the interests of tobacco companies and public health,” said the Mayo Clinic’s Monique E. Muggli, who conducted the study with Kelley Lee, Quan Gan, Jon O. Ebbert and Richard Hurt.
China’s Health Ministry did not immediately respond to a faxed request for comment.
British American Tobacco spokesman Catherine Armstrong said it was illogical to suggest that any link the company has to a medical charity “was an attempt to divert attention away from smoking related disease.”Sunday, December 21, 2008
Counting down to Christmas
Anyways, we've got lots of programs lined up on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day itself. We'll have a party with my friends on the eve, and of course a Christmas Mass in church the next day.
I think every child has got a wish in their tiny hearts. And that is to meet Santa. My childhoodstories about Christmas is all about Santa Claus visiting homes and giving out presents.
However, I personally think that this term does not really apply to us. Because back in my hometown, unlike western countries we don't have chimneys, and that's why my gift sock was never filled with gifts!
I came through this interesting website that day, about a wish for Christmas. This nice site lets you upload a picture of yourself for a contest and tell Santa what you want for Christmas. I do not take a lot of pictures so I chose the one I took after I voted.
Besides, there is a little video of Santa and one of his special helper elves. The picture is displayed on the CEIVA digital frame Santa is holding on his lap. I've never sat on a Santa's lap before, but I've met a lot of Santa in disguise and giving out gifts.
As for the contest, 1 random entry will be selected for each day of the contest; cash prize of $500 per winner. Sounds amazing? So don't forget to participate as everyone stands a chance to win!

Friday, December 19, 2008
Making a difference
Being aware is more important than what you wear, says designer Kenneth Cole.
SEEN in a store window: “No good deed should go unpublished.”
Those words were splashed across the window display of a Kenneth Cole store in midtown Manhattan just before the Thanksgiving season.

But the American designer wants to make more than just a fashion statement. His latest project is called “Awearness” to mark his 25-year effort to raise social awareness on topics as diverse as volunteerism and HIV to gun control.
To commemorate the occasion, Cole has edited a book which contains 86 essays contributed by an endless list of who’s who; Robert Redford, Jon Bon Jovi, Elton John, Lance Armstrong, Bill Clinton, Jane Fonda and so on.
Fonda, for example, talks about preventing teen pregnancies, New York City mayor Michael R. Bloomberg touches on public health policies, while TV host Rachael Ray shares her endeavours to get children to eat healthy food.
“It should be an embarrassment to every American that any child would go hungry in a country of plenty,” she writes.
Cole, who promoted Awearness: Inspiring Stories About How to Make a Difference at a Barnes & Noble bookstore in Tribeca recently, spoke of the heartening encounters during his previous book events.

He recounted the story of a man who came up to him with a confession.
“Not so long ago, I stole a jacket from your store,” the guy told Cole. He wanted to know how he could pay for the jacket.
The designer took the news in his stride. “Send me an e-mail on how you did it,” he told the self-confessed thief, who did just that.
In the end, Cole said, “I was inspired, and so was he.”
He said the book would be an extraordinary gift to give to friends and loved ones. “It would even be a good gift for someone you don’t like,” he joked.
To him, there were many wonderful, untold stories about people who had done good.
“I’m not the author. I am just an accessory, a facilitator,” he said.
Cole, who started in fashion with a shoe business in 1982, explained that his venture into social awareness was prompted by the public consciousness which swept the nation throughout the 1980s.

“There were Live Aid and Hands Across America, which fought against hunger,” he recalled as examples.
Those events, he said, were astounding because people were joining hands to help others from far-flung countries such as Ethiopia.
Back then, he was already working towards removing the stigma about HIV and AIDS.
“There was little talk about it then. Nobody wanted to deal much with it because people would assume that you had the disease,” he said. More so for a single male designer like him then. Cole, who is now married with three daughters, is currently the chairman of The Foundation for AIDS Research (amfAR).
He believed that it was incumbent upon communities to help and provide for one another.
“Otherwise, we are not going to make it,” he said.
But Cole acknowledged that in these tough economic times, philanthropy and social service are going through hard times, too.
“Unfortunately, that is needed even more these days, as more people are going to be homeless,” he said. “These days, you wake up and you read the news, it kind of makes you want to run in front of a truck.”
His social awareness project was a humbling experience for him as a designer.
“Nobody needs what we sell. We’ve got to convince them that they do. No woman in America needs another pair of black shoes,” he said.
The designer has been quick to make his political statements. At 4am, just hours after Barack Obama’s acceptance speech on Nov 4, his company put up a billboard in Manhattan to congratulate America’s first black president. “A precedent we can be proud of”, the billboard said.
There was a Plan B if John McCain had won. The billboard would have stated “Out with the old, in with the older”.
Asked which contributor in the book had inspired him the most, Cole said: “In the essence of being prudent, I would say it’s my wife.” Maria Cuomo Cole heads the country’s largest non-profit developer and operator of housing for the homeless.
“She works tirelessly every day,” he said.
The designer has also established the Awearness Fund to help charities dealing with HIV and the homeless.
“We have always believed that being aware is more important than what you wear,” he wrote in the introduction to Awearness.
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Saturday, December 6, 2008
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Its time to get some lessons about your car. This enormous website has more than 3 million web pages filled with custom auto parts. We cater to a huge array of vehicles, and for many vehicles we have the largest selection of custom auto parts available on earth.
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Hong Kong heartthrob Andy Lau to marry Malaysian girl
The couple, who got to know each other in 1985, have chosen Pulau Redang in Terengganu, as the site for their lavish wedding ceremony to avoid paparazzi.
Hong Kong magazine “Three Weekly” reported that the 47-year-old Lau got the idea of getting married on the resort island from his buddy Tony Leung Chiu Wai, who recently tied the knot with China beauty Carina Lau Kar Ling.
The magazine reported that Andy had been vehemently denying his relationship with Chu for fear that his fans would not support him but Chu’s appearance at Lau’s concert early this year had fuelled the rumour mill.
During a concert last month, Andy set tongues wagging when he asked his fans if idols could have girlfriends and get married.
Fans greeted his question with happiness and responded that he should openly show his love for Chu.
Andy was said to have used that statement as a test of his fans’ reaction towards his marriage plans.
Chu’s romance with Andy is believed to have started not long after she was named second runner-up in a beauty contest in 1985.
In May this year, Andy was spotted at the wedding ceremony of Chu’s sister in Kuala Lumpur.
When contacted by press over the news, Andy’s former Taiwanese girlfriend Yu Ke Xin said:
“I am very happy for him. It is time he settles down.”
Friday, December 5, 2008
Christmas Season
Christmas is just around the corner and I remember that every Christmas we will receive gifts from everyone, have activities in the Church and paint Easter eggs.
During the wonderful season Santa will always be there and giving out presents. However, I do not think I have sat on Santa’s lap myself since I was young.
And for this year, I got a wish for myself! I want to get something I have dreamed of for a long time. A new cell phone! It is my chance now!
Besides, there is a little video of Santa and one of his special helper elves. The picture is displayed on the CEIVA digital frame Santa is holding on his lap.
Winners for the contest will be chosen (one for each day of contest) with random entry selected for each day of the contest. 1 random entry selected for each day of the contest get a cash prize of $500.
That sounds amazing to you? So what are you waiting for? Everyone stands a chance to win!!

Just quit smoking
TOBACCO epidemic death toll:
·100 million dead in the 20th century
·By 2030, there will be more than eight million deaths every year
·By 2030, more than 80% of tobacco deaths will be in developing countries
·One billion estimated deaths during the 21st century – WHO report on the global Tobacco epidemic, 2008
Tobacco use is a major cause of premature and preventable death in the world. It is currently responsible for the deaths of about 10,000 Malaysians each year and more than five million worldwide. If current smoking patterns continue, it will cause more than eight million deaths annually by 2030. It has been shown that up to 50% of long-term smokers will die of a smoking-related disease.
According to the World Health Organization, 95% of smokers who attempted to quit without assistance did not make it. – Reuters
Cigarettes and other smoked tobacco products rapidly deliver nicotine to the brain immediately after smokers inhale. But because the effects of smoked tobacco last only a few minutes, smokers experience withdrawal symptoms unless they continue to smoke.
Although standard cigarettes are the most commonly used type of smoked tobacco, other smoked tobacco products, such as bidis, kreteks and shisha, are gaining popularity – often in the mistaken belief that they are less hazardous to health. However, all forms of tobacco are lethal.
Smoked tobacco in any form causes up to 90% of all lung cancers and is a significant risk factor for strokes and fatal heart attacks.
The feel-good effect of nicotine reinforces the sustained need for tobacco, thus creating nicotine dependence. Because nicotine is so addictive, quitting smoking is one of the hardest things to do.
According to Assoc Prof Mohamad Haniki Nik Mohamed, Head for Department of Pharmacy Practice, smokers not only need to deal with physiological changes but also psychological and physical dependence to be successful at quitting and staying quit.
When you stop smoking, the absence of nicotine in your system will cause withdrawal symptoms. Among the symptoms you may experience are restlessness, fatigue, dizziness and irritability. Heavy perspiration, diarrhoea or constipation, and headache are common symptoms as well.
Learning to deal with withdrawal symptoms is an important part of the quitting process.
Assoc Prof Haniki highlighted the fact that many smokers want to quit, but are unaware that professional assistance is available to overcome nicotine dependence.
Most smokers attempting to quit today still make unaided quit attempts, or what is commonly known as “cold turkey”. According to the World Health Organization, 95% of smokers who attempted to quit without assistance did not make it. Most smokers take five to seven attempts, without assistance, before succeeding.
There is growing evidence that smokers who receive clinician’s advice and assistance with quitting smoking reported greater satisfaction with their healthcare than those who do not. A series of new data presented at the 2008 annual congress of the Society for Research on Nicotine & Tobacco (SRNT) reinforces the need for healthcare professionals to proactively support smoking cessation.
Assoc Prof Haniki said: “There are numerous effective medications available for nicotine dependence, and clinicians (physicians, pharmacists, nurses, dentists, etc) should encourage their use by all smokers attempting to quit.”
Medications approved as first-line for smoking cessation treatment which reliably increase long-term smoking abstinence are divided into two groups, non-nicotine and nicotine based.
The two current non-nicotine based medications are bupropion SR (sustained release) and varenicline, the latest drug launched in the local market recently. The nicotine based products include: nicotine gum, nicotine inhaler, nicotine lozenge and nicotine patch.
“Some smokers would require a combination of the above medications, but this should be done with the assistance and supervision of a healthcare professional,” added Assoc Prof Haniki. “In Malaysia, all of the mentioned medications for smoking cessation are available through the pharmacist without prescriptions, except for bupropion SR and varenicline, which are prescription items. Smokers need to discuss with their pharmacists or doctors to determine the right course of therapy.”
Both counselling and medication are effective when used independently for treating nicotine dependence. However, the combination of counselling and medication is even more effective than either alone.
Based on Assoc Prof Haniki’s experiences in smoking cessation, a support programme is also crucial to the success in quitting smoking. Do remember to get the support of a close friend, co-worker and family members.
Some may find cessation programmes using the telephone (help or quitline) as well as the internet to be supportive and useful. When in need, reach out to a pharmacist or doctor for a helping hand or tips on coping skills.
As the saying goes, “If you fail to plan, then you plan to fail”.
Assoc Prof Haniki advises smokers who want to quit to have a quit plan, which can help a smoker significantly achieve smoking cessation. You should plan on the quitting strategy, i.e., cutting down (gradual reduction) or cold turkey (giving up totally and abruptly), methods to overcome withdrawal symptoms, especially craving and how to stay tobacco-free. Knowing the important benefits of quitting, a list of situations in which you smoke and the reasons for smoking, for example, should help you identify what are your “triggers” to lighting up – and finally, a list of healthy alternatives to replace smoking.
Assoc Prof Haniki further elaborates that in order to get the quitting plan moving, smokers should choose a quit date that is the nearest (eg within two weeks or so) and most suitable (eg birthdays, anniversary, etc) because simply reducing without absolute cessation does not work.
A quit date is the beginning of becoming smoke free, and towards a new, healthier life. During the initial week, you may experience more intense withdrawal symptoms. The use of appropriate medication as suggested by your pharmacist or doctor should help you reduce these symptoms significantly.
In addition, remember DEAD, an acronym for “Delay, Escape, Avoid and Distract”. Apply one or more each time you feel like having a cigarette. Also remember that the intensity of the withdrawal symptoms gradually decrease with time. So, stick to the plan and avoid “slips” as much as possible to ensure a successful attempt as well as preventing relapse.
Other tips to quitting successfully, provided by Assoc Prof Haniki, include drinking a lot of water (six to eight oz. glasses are ideal) to flush tobacco-related toxins from your body and facilitate expulsion of phlegm.
Eat more fresh fruits and vegetables and limit your fat intake. This would also be useful in preventing the weight gain after quitting, as often experienced by smokers.
Another tip to prevent weight gain associated with cessation is to include more physical activities in your daily routine, and exercise is also a great way to improve your stamina and health.
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Grant My Wish
Basically, given a day without electricity and all these digital stuff, I guess I'll suffer so much from boredom.
And now, with the digital camera so handy you can take pictures anywhere at anytime you want. A friend of mine just recently bought a Sony DSLR digital camera and its really a nice one. The photos taken are really clear and beautiful.
So, if you wanna save all the trouble of developing the photos, now you can use a digital photo frame, its so easy to use and convenient. Just upload the photos into it and you get to change the photos everyday.
Now, CEIVA Digital Photo Frame is a unique brand to recommend. Visit their website and watch the video there, its really a hilarious one! I've shared it with my friend and they were all excited to know more about it.
There's more, now that there is a contest available. The contest, Got a Wish Sweeepstakes will get 1 random entry selected for each day of the contest; cash prize of $500 per winner.

Monday, December 1, 2008
Obama rolls out national security team
Hillary's appointment is a sign to friend and foe of the seriousness of my commitment to renew American diplomacy and restore our alliances," Obama said at a news conference in Chicago, Illinois. "I have no doubt that Hillary Clinton is the right person to lead our State Department and to work with me in tackling this ambitious foreign policy agenda."
Obama also confirmed that he is keeping Defense Secretary Robert Gates in his current post.
Rounding out his Monday announcements, Obama named retired Marine Gen. Jim Jones as his national security adviser, Eric Holder as attorney general, Arizona Gov. Janet Napolitano as homeland security secretary and Susan Rice as ambassador to the United Nations.
"I am confident that this team is what we need to make a new beginning for American national security," Obama said.
Clinton said leaving the Senate would be difficult for her, but said she believes that the best way for her to continue to serve the country is by joining Obama's administration.
"Mr. President-elect, I am proud to join you on what will be a difficult and exciting adventure in this new century," she said at the news conference.
Clinton's husband, former President Bill Clinton, who was not at the event Monday, issued a statement expressing his support for his wife.
"In her service to the people of New York and our nation, Hillary has demonstrated the knowledge, passion, resilience, and capacity to learn that our country needs at this critical time.
"She loves being a Senator from New York, but as she has in all the thirty-seven years I've known her, she answered the call to serve. I commend President-Elect Obama for asking her to be a part of a great national security team. America will be well-served," he said in a statement.
In assuming this new post, Clinton will have some control of her staffing, like picking the assistant secretaries, according to sources familiar with the negotiations.
Clinton, Obama's former rival for the Democratic nomination, also has been told by the Obama team that they will help her fundraise in the next 60 days to help clear her campaign debt, which is about $6.5 million, the sources said.
Asked Monday how he can be sure that his administration will function as a team of rivals and not a clash of rivals, Obama said he has assembled a group of "outstanding public servants" who share a core vision for the country.
"I am very confident that each of these individuals are not going to be leaving the outstanding work that they are currently doing if they weren't convinced that they could work as an effective team," Obama said.
Obama added that he is a strong believer in "strong personalities and strong opinions."
Obama also noted, however, that he would have the final word in setting national security policy. "The buck will stop with me," Obama said.
All of the selections are people who have been mentioned often during weeks of fevered speculation about the likely nominees.
The president-elect has made no secret of his interest in having divergent views within his Cabinet, and Gates has served in various national security roles under Republican presidents, including as CIA director during former President George H.W. Bush's administration.
To some, the choice demonstrates bipartisanship and conveys that Obama has the self-confidence in his leadership abilities to keep one of the more widely respected members of the Bush administration.
"We've got confidence, continuity, and I still think the mission to get out of [Iraq] as soon as possible will be accomplished. So I think it's a great choice," Democratic Rep. Charles Rangel told CNN's "Larry King Live" last week.
Others say keeping Gates could delay the change that Obama promised during his campaign, because it could lead to potential policy conflicts over missile defense funding and a speedy Iraq pullout.
"If we don't have good civilian personnel alongside our good military personnel, we're not going to reform. It can't happen. You need the right people to make it work," former Pentagon comptroller Dov Zakheim said.
As for Clinton, some observers have raised concerns about her husband and suggested that the former president's international business dealings, global foundation and penchant for going off script could present a significant obstacle for the incoming commander-in-chief.
"These are issues that I'm sure are being discussed, and they will have to be worked out, and it's legitimate to ask these questions," said James Carville, a former aide to the Clintons and CNN contributor.
Obama's transition team was given access to Bill Clinton's finances and post-presidential dealings, sources said. As part of the early vetting process, the team looked for any negative information that could jeopardize the prospect of Hilary Clinton as secretary of state.
A particular issue of concern, observers said, was the donor list of Bill Clinton's global foundation, which might show connections to international figures who push policies that could conflict with those of the new Obama administration.
Since exiting the Oval Office eight years ago, Clinton has reportedly raised more than $500 million for the foundation, a significant portion of which financed the construction of his presidential library. The foundation has also doled out millions for AIDS relief in Africa and other charitable causes around the world.
Amid repeated criticism from Sen. Clinton's primary opponents, Bill Clinton would not reveal the extent of the foundation's donor list earlier this year. But The New York Times has reported the list includes some foreign governments, including members of the Saudi royal family, the king of Morocco, a fund connected to the United Arab Emirates, and the governments of Kuwait and Qatar.
The former president has also reportedly solicited funds from international business figures connected to human rights abuses that his wife has criticized, including the governments of Kazakhstan and China.
During the New York senator's White House bid, critics repeatedly said that foreign governments and business executives could try to exert influence through donations to the foundation, which prompted a pledge from the former president to publicly disclose all future donors.Black Friday
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When thoughts collide
In an age when headlines and sensationalism attract our attention, there is a need for us to understand some, if not all, of the different religions that exist.
I ONCE bought an English-Hindi/Hindi-English dictionary to give to a friend. However, I changed my mind and gave her a different gift and that dictionary remained on my bookshelf.
Flipping through it, I found that some words looked strangely similar, if not the same, as those used in my mother tongue:
angur (grapes); akal (wisdom or intellect); akhbar (newspaper); agar (if, so as to); adab (etiquette); anu-grah (favour/grace); asli (true/pure); adat (habit/ custom); ibadat (worship/ adoration); ilm (knowledge/learning); iman (faith/belief); usul (principle); qayamat (day of resurrection/ last day of judgment); karya (work/vocation); kismis (raisins); kursi (chair); khazana (treasury/treasure); khas (peculiar/special); and zahir (obvious/clear), among others.
On the same bookshelf is a copy of Don’t Be Sad, a book written by Saudi writer Aaidh ibn Abdullah al-Qarni. In it, he refers to a much earlier writer, Al Jahiz (776-868), who wrote: “The book is a companion that does not praise you and does not entice you to evil ... As long as you are remotely attached to a book, it suffices you from having to keep company with those who are idle.”
According to, Al Jahiz was a well-known Muslim scholar. He grew up in Basra, Iraq, and “attended its schools, studying under some of the most eminent scholars of Islam. One of the most important aspects about the period of Al Jahiz’s intellectual development and his life was that books were readily accessible. Though paper had been introduced into the Islamic world only shortly before Al Jahiz’s birth, it had, by the time he was in his 30s, virtually replaced parchment, and launched an intellectual revolution.”
Making comparisons of words and thoughts in different languages and religions also led me to read a little about Buddhist teachings. Buddhists believe in the eight worldly “dharmas”, which are made up of four ideas of opposites:
“... First, we like pleasure; we are attached to it. Conversely, we don’t like pain. Second, we like and are attached to praise. We try and avoid criticism and blame. Third, we like and are attached to fame. We dislike and try to avoid disgrace. Finally, we are attached to gain, to getting what we want. We don’t like losing what we have” (in When Things Fall Apart by Pema Chodron, 1997).
The three books mentioned above are obviously disparate from each other. Or are they? How is it that a Hindi dictionary contains words similar, if not the same, as those in the Arabic language? Why do the concepts of pleasure and pain, praise and criticism which are written by a Buddhist nun not sound alien to those of us who are not Buddhists?
Perhaps the answer lies in the nature of languages where words are absorbed from an older language into a newer one, or that the ones used in one religion can be understood by those of other religions.
In an age when headlines and sensationalism attract our attention, there is a need for us to understand some, if not all, of the different religions that exist. We should note the nuances and subtleties behind statements made by any one group of people.
We are living at a time when television can give us “live” news coverage via satellite. There is also the wide, unfettered realm of the Internet where we can remain anonymous and write whatever we wish.
With such powerful media tools at our fingertips, we need to interact with each other with even more sensitivity than ever before. We must be more cautious in what we say, despite the temptation to say whatever we wish to and be considered daring or brave.
When the film The Da Vinci Code was shown in cinemas in 2006, Christian churches became the focus of international attention. The book on which the film was based questioned Jesus Christ’s life.
Both the book and the film caused much controversy. Anyone and everyone with keyboards and access to the Internet gave their opinions. Secular and religious figures as well as religious groups from all around the world had something to say. Among the thousands of comments made, a statement by Mark Turnbull, a BBC radio presenter, caught my eye: “I would like to suggest that our faith is far stronger than any blasphemy or work of fiction. The church has had more severe accusations leveled against her before and come through them.”
Thousands of miles away in India, Roman Catholics in Mumbai received Muslim support to protest the release of the film.
More recently here in Malaysia, a Muslim fatwa about yoga has received a lot of attention in the media. It should be noted that fatwa, or edicts, are made as a guide for Muslims only. Those practising other religions do not have to abide by or agree with them.
Indeed, those of us who are Muslims but are not scholars of Islamic religious laws have always had to depend upon the advice of our uztaz, uztazah and imam who serve our communities. We ask them for guidance when we are unsure about any facets of our daily lives. We accept the fact that religious scholars know more than us and are therefore in a position to guide us.
In addition, we always refer to the Holy Koran for guidance.
There is a Christian hymn which also speaks of guidance:
“Lead us, heavenly Father, lead us
O’er the world’s tempestuous sea;
Guard us, guide us, keep us, feed us,
For we have no help but Thee.”
— James Edmeston (1791-1867), England.
I remember this hymn because I attended a Church of England boarding school where we were required to go to church every Sunday. It was, for me, just a part of my weekly routine.
Recently, my family celebrated a birthday by sharing it with fellow Muslims at a nearby mosque. At home, a few friends came to celebrate with us. If there was a need to prove that race or religion did not matter, it was at that moment. We are Malays but our Chinese and Indian friends were there with us. It didn’t seem strange; after all, we live in the same city, go to the same restaurants and shop at the same supermarkets.
At a time when we are looking for answers, we really have to devote more time in seeking knowledge and to understand our fellow citizens better.
Sunday, November 30, 2008
For Your Dearest
From now until the end of the year, Pexagon is offering 20% off 4 very specialand personalized holiday gifts
Personalized Thumb Drives - available in 14 colors, up to 16GB in capacity with FREE custom laser engraving! Choose from one of our 32 exciting themes such as "#1 Teacher" or "Happy Holidays" and engrave two lines of personalization text on the reverse side! Starting at $7.99 after discount.

Personalized Pens - 3 unique styles, multiple colors and a FREE line of personalized laser engraved text! Starting at $1.59 after discount.
Business Card Flash Drives - the perfect gift for the business person or administrator in your life! It looks like a business card but the back side hides a small USB cable (huge 2GB capacity) and the front side can be engraved for FREE with 3 lines of personalization text! Starting at $15.99 after discount.
Wooden USB Flash Drives - environment-friendly, wooden design with attached cap and two color choices. Available in 2GB and 4GB capacities with 2-sided custom laser engraving absolutely FREE! Starting at $15.99 after discount.
You have never seen something so worth it and beautiful as gifts. Grab this chance now and impress your friends!

Intel’s pedagogic quest paying off
Intel said it has trained a small but significant percentage of teachers in the last eight years and hopes to double that to 100,000 teachers over the next five years.
The Intel Teach programme was started in 1999 and has trained about five million teachers worldwide in over 40 countries. Introduced in Malaysia in 2000, about 50,000 local teachers have been trained under this programme, according to Intel Malaysia officials.
Senior trainers host teaching classes for current and prospective teachers who are interested in improving their pedagogic skills.
“The idea of the programme is to help teachers enhance their educating skills by integrating technology into their lesson plan,” said Hasnan Hakim, K12 education programme manager for Intel Malaysia.
“It would be a mistake to think that this course is wholly about information technology. It is a pedagogical course on how to teach with the help of technology.”
Teachers are taught how to engage their students more effectively and to help them develop creative and critical thinking skills. This is achieved through project-based and problem-based approaches with the help of technology.
Lim Siew Geck, a lecturer and head of the IT unit of the educational technology department at Institut Perguruan Ilmu Khas (IPIK), said the response to the Intel programme has been very favourable.
“Intel Teach nurtures the students’ ability to analyse and solve problems, make critical decisions, as well as develop a quest for lifelong learning,” Lim said.
“We have many pre-service and in-service teachers who are even willing to come for night classes. This is very encouraging because it shows us that those future and current teachers see the benefit of this course.”
Lim is a senior trainer for the Intel Teach Programme at IPIK.
Intel Malaysia has been collaborating with the Teacher Education Division (BPG) and the Educational Technology Division of the Ministry of Education to “localise” the content of the programme. This was done by the BPG in 2007.
Jayanti Sothinatan, a lecturer at the English Language Training Centre and senior teacher for the Teach Programme, said: “It is not important to know what subjects the teacher will go on to teach or whether the national curriculum changes.”
“This programme is a guide to the methodology of teaching and on how to utilise computers and other forms of technology to aid this methodology.”
In 2005, Minister of Education Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Tun Hussein emphasised the importance of technology in education and the ministry is working with companies like Intel to help provide training and equipment to teachers and schools.
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Vacuum Up
Speaking of house chores, I hate them. Sometimes I really wish that I can just hire a cleaning maid and leave all those to the maid. But apparently, I don't have enough money to hire one.
Sometimes, for a lazy guy like me, I think a good vacuum cleaner could do all the work. Then you can save all the fuzz of working and bending all over to clean the house.
So Christmas is around the corner, any kind hearted friends willing to get a Christmas present for me? I would be very grateful to get a vacuum cleaner.
I've done some research and found EZVacuum a perfect choice. The site is now offering 10% Off Coupon EZVAC10 on vacuum cleaners bags belts filters brushrolls machines.
Coupon code is EZVAC10 and is applicable on all orders over $20. We have very low shipping charges compared to other merchants and have deep discounts on vacuum cleaner and vacuum cleaning supplies.

Battle for Mumbai ends, death toll rises to 195
MUMBAI: Commandos killed the last remaining gunman in the Taj Mahal Hotel here to end a devastating attack by Islamic militants on India’s financial capital that left 195 dead, including 26 foreigners.
Shortly after dawn on the third day of the siege, heavy gunfire and loud explosions signalled the final commando offensive against the militants, who had held hundreds of security personnel at bay for 60 hours.
”All operations are over. All the terrorists have been killed,” city police chief Hassan Gafoor said, as the special forces units emerged from the smoke-filled hotel and firemen moved in to douse a fierce blaze.
On Friday, elite troops had stormed a Mumbai Jewish centre and killed two gunmen – but also found six dead Israeli hostages, including a US-based rabbi and his wife, who were murdered as the commandos closed in.
Another luxury hotel which was attacked, the Oberoi Trident, was declared clear of militants late Friday, with scores of trapped guests rescued and 24 bodies found.
"They were the kind of people with no remorse – anybody and whomsoever came in front of them they fired at,” an Indian commando said of the young gunmen.The head of the commando forces, J.K. Dutt, said his men were conducting a final sweep of the battle-scarred Taj.
”We are now going through each and every room to make sure it is safe,” he said, appealing to any guests still hidden in the hotel to make themselves known.
Stem Cell Preservation
About the Science : Stem cells are cells found in most, if not all, multi-cellular organisms. They are characterized by the ability to renew themselves through mitotic cell division and differentiating into a diverse range of specialized cell types.
The two broad types of mammalian stem cells are: embryonic stem cells that are found in blastocysts, and adult stem cells that are found in adult tissues. In a developing embryo, stem cells can differentiate into all of the specialized embryonic tissues. In adult organisms, stem cells and progenitor cells act as a repair system for the body, replenishing specialized cells, but also maintain the normal turnover of regenerative organs, such as blood, skin or intestinal tissues.
Now, one of the popular companies for stem cell preservation is C'elle. It is a wonderful gift for women who are not pregnant. C'elle's groundbreaking technology enables women to collect and cryopreserve (store at a very low temperature) stem cells for potential cellular therapies that may emerge in the future.
Preliminary scientific research suggests that in addition to potential use by the donor, these stem cells may possibly be used as well in the future to benefit other family members who are genetically related to the donor, such as a parent, sibling or child to treat a number of possibly life-threatening diseases including diabetes, heart disease, osteoporosis, stroke, Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease as testified in C'elle Client Testimonial

Thursday, November 27, 2008
Moving and Renting
Don’t want to drive a large truck rental in a busy city or through winding mountains? Worried about driving a rental truck while towing your vehicle behind? Are rising gas prices a concern?
Truck rental prices may seem reasonable if you’re moving across town, but if you’re making a long-distance, out-of-state move, ABF is the best alternative to moving truck rental.
Concerned About High Fuel Prices?Use the fuel cost calculator to estimate how much money you would spend on fuel with a moving truck rental. With U-Pack, fuel is included in your price and your quote doesn’t change if fuel prices go up.
So no worries now!
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
How to Stop Hair Loss Naturally
- Saw Palmetto: This herb is sometimes used to treat enlargement of the prostate. This is because Saw Palmetto blocks the production of DHT (a metabolite of testosterone), a contributing factor to enlarging of the prostate. Because DHT production also causes hair loss, Saw Palmetto has been shown in some small studies to be effective for preventing hair loss in some men. It was first used by the American Indians to treat and maintain healthy hair and skin.
- Nettle root: Those little plants with the big sting are good for something after all. Nettle root is another treatment which blocks the production of chemicals which enlarge the prostrate.
- They are the same ones that can cause hair loss. Evidence suggests that nettle root may not only stave off baldness, but may actually regenerate hair growth.
- Vitamins: Your mother told you they were good for you, but you may not know they're good for your hair too. Vitamin A is an anti-oxidant which promotes healthy production of sebum in the scalp.
- Vitamin E stimulates circulation. Good blood circulation in the scalp is important in keeping hair follicles productive. The 'B' vitamins contribute to melanin, which gives hair its healthy color and also stimulates blood circulation.
- In addition to these ingredients, which help stop hair loss naturally, massage is also beneficial. Massage stimulates circulation. As already noted, good circulation in the scalp keeps hair follicles active. Experts suggest a few minutes of daily head massage by hand. Circulation through massage may be improved by using a few drops of lavender or bay essential oil in an almond or sesame oil base with massage.
- Try rubbing your scalp with garlic juice, Onion Juice or Ginger Juice(you can either of one out of three, Do not mix any of two or three).( but if your head gets wet you will be able to smell it )
GPS System
Garmin GPS is a great improvement over previous models. Being able to download & display topo maps is key. The controls, although not completely intuitive, are easy enough to learn to make this an extremely useful device. It is indispensible for getting to trailess peaks (in the Adirondack mountains in my case). The display screen could use more contrast for the topographic features. Maybe next time I'll spring for the color display unit. Navigation is generally accurate to 40 feet, which is fine. Great unit.
Anyone who is really poor in directions, on the road will find this system to be really helpful.
Friday, November 21, 2008
New Specs
And its actually affecting many people. And buying new spectacles are not cheap at all.
But The popular online eyeglasses shop, Zenni is offering cheap, as cheap as $ 8 Complete Rx Eyeglasses could you believe that! I would want to get a pair as soon as possible. Mine is getting old.
The Holiday Glass Frames From Zenni Optical are various and totally diverse. You can choose from a big selection and they are trendy!
The New Premiere
Most of us here spend our time watching shows and series in front of the computer. And that includes watching lots of movies too!

Have you watched the Naked Brothers Band's New Movie: Operation Mojo ? I actually watched this movie through the popular for the previous seasons.
The main mission of the movie to get Nat's Mojo Back! Its really interesting watching those kids fighting to accomplish their mission. The movie is a great swash buckling adventure for kids and adults alike. It is good for children of all ages and makes people like us stop and think a while. It is a bit sad at times but you can tell that it is still a good family oriented story. When Nat and Alex lead you to the pace, Nat is left to fend for himself and find ways to regain his Mojo. He may not be forced to go live on the train tracks like most rural stories but he never ended up with barely enough money to buy himself some food. Nobody starved in this plot. Nat decides he has to live life to the tops and he goes in search of someone who will appreciate him and be his savior. That could be you!
So interested?Remember this Saturday, Nov. 22, tune in to live chat with Nat & Alex Wolff of the Naked Brothers Band, as part of their new premiere, "Operation Mojo"!

Woman boasts of sex tryst in surgery room
A 24-YEAR-OLD woman claimed on a website that she had sex in an operation theatre at a hospital in Singapore, reported Sin Chew Daily.
The woman, who posted a photograph of herself wearing a nurse uniform and a mask, claimed that she had a “good time” with her fiancée while serving as a nurse in the hospital’s emergency ward.
She also claimed that her fiancée is a medical doctor who worked in the same hospital.
The woman said she hoped to try out “the stuff” at other places.
“I have tried out at my workplace. Now, I will attempt to do it in a school or even on a flight,” the newspaper quoted her as saying on the website.
When contacted, a hospital spokesman denied that the woman had worked there.
The daily also reported that newly appointed principal of New Era College, Prof Pua Eng Chong, was being constantly harassed by a group of people using intimidating words.
Such a move was attempted to shatter Prof Pua’s confidence and hamper the development of the college, according to a press statement issued by the New Era College parents committee.
The committee condemned such acts, saying that the transition of school heads from the old to the new were “too numerous to enumerate” worldwide.
It said outgoing principal Dr Kua Kia Soong had served eight years, which was longer than some of the school heads in China.
> The daily also quoted Second Finance Minister Tan Sri Nor Mohamed Yakcop as saying that the unemployment rate in the country this year would not exceed 4%.
He described the rate as reasonable, adding that it was expected to be at a similar level next year.
Nor Mohamed said RM300mil of the RM7bil fiscal stimulus package would be used as expenses to train workers.
The move would also enhance their competitiveness and reduce unemployment.
He said there was no mass retrenchment of workers in Penang as factories had taken measures to cut down on working hours and bonuses.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
House Moving
And of course that includes the interior designs and lightings.
On the cutting edge of the lighting industry, Maxim lighting has been committed to providing a diverse selection of high quality chandeliers, ceiling lighting and lamps for over 35 years. Their unique designs captivate and enhance a space, often becoming focal centerpieces. Maxim's traditional styling, meticulous detail and deep, rich finishes span their diverse selection of dining, foyer, bedroom, bath, kitchen and outdoor home fixtures
I finally found a crack for the Kaspersky Internet Security 8.0 and Kaspersky Anti Virus 2009
A Promise Forever
Now its your chance to get your loved one a diamond ring that she will never forget for a lifetime.
Award winning designer Michael B. was the first to implement micro-pave in his cutting edge diamond designs. All diamond engagement rings are custom made in the U.S. and reflect Michael B.’s intricate craftsmanship. The Michael B. Princess Collection exemplifies the art of the micro-pave style. Each of the diamond rings in the Princess Collection is handmade from platinum in the Michael B. design studio, and is micro-pave set with exquisite round brilliant cut diamonds. Michael B’s diamond designs can often be seen on the red carpet.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
What is weight Loss
Consumers do not lose a significant amount of weight with Alli. It is probably just as effective to refrain from eating fatty foods. However, it is an excellent supplement for consistent diet and exercise. Most of the clinical studies and findings are based on Alli’s counterpart orlistat. From these studies, the average consumer lost 6 more pounds compared to diet and exercise alone.
Birthday Gifts
So if you don't find exactly what you are looking for, contact this website and they will design a gift tailor made for you, for example gift baskets. They can build on a unique theme you have selected or add specific types of gifts or food. They can also resize any existing gift design to meet your exact needs and work within your budget.
Just for your information, with large orders, you can even add your private label or message to boxed chocolates or chocolate bars. Nice!
Adult Diapers
Now You Can Get the Most Absorbent Adult Protective Underwear on the Market
Looking for the most absorbent disposable adult diaper on the market? We carry top quality adult protective underwear as well as disposable diapers for youth and toddler underwear. No longer do you have to brave the drug store to buy poor quality cheap adult diapers-for over the top prices.
Our adult protective underwear comes from only the best brand names, such as Tranquility incontinence products, Tena incontinence products-and many more-for discount prices.Monday, November 17, 2008
The Weight Troubles
What's most important to you when choosing a diet supplement? Is it the cost, safety, effectiveness? With literally hundreds of diet pill options it can be a bit confusing.
We want to inform the public about misleading diet pill claims. Many diet pills can undermine your health, cause physical discomfort and lead to disappointment when you regain weight soon after you lose it. What is the best diet pill? Which diet pills work? Those are questions that we try to answer.
We have reviewed over 200 diet pills and taken the confusion out of the shopping experience by narrowing your search to the elite products in the industry.
Green and bear it
Putting up with a green kitchen for 26 years is a test of endurance.
When I first arrived in Malaysia in 1982, my then husband met me at Penang’s International Airport and drove me to the house that I would live in for more than 25 years. Coming from the relative cold of Scotland where houses are sealed tight against the elements most of the year, I fell in love with my new house’s airy, open plan. Everything was perfect. Well, almost everything.
You see, my kitchen was designed with several hideous shades of green. There were green tiles on the floor, a large green fridge in one corner, and green, Formica-veneered cupboards clinging to two of the walls. The previous owner had obviously had a penchant for the colour.
Green has never been a favourite colour of mine. Indeed, if you were to look inside my wardrobe, you would only find an emerald green scarf as a passing nod at the colour. Even then, this purchase was a must-have for a St Patrick’s Day celebration.
Although I can appreciate the practicalities of Formica, I’d rather not encounter it in a shade of unattractive green every morning upon getting out of bed. I actually looked up my Formica on a colour chart, and the shade it most resembles is called “olive drab”. Like, who in their right mind goes to the trouble and expense of installing a fitted kitchen only to choose a colour with a name that tells you how hideous it is?
Even someone who has no sense of colour coordination would be able to tell you that the word “drab” is something you want to steer clear of. That and dirty brown, shades of bile and seasick green. Still, for all its hideousness, my kitchen was in pristine condition all those years ago.
And since I was just newly wed and on a tight budget at the time, I decided to turn a blind eye to the sheer dreadfulness of it all. Actually, the only way to view that kitchen would have been with two blind eyes.
Whenever members of my family came to visit me in my new home for the first time, they would usually survey the huge expanse of green at the rear of my house and say something like, “Ooh! This is interesting.” One of my sisters, who has a house that looks as if it has come straight out of the pages of Perfect Homes, began twitching ever so slightly when she saw it for the first time. Upon her return to the UK, she sent me enough interior design magazines to sink the Titanic.
Even when I had the means to change my kitchen, I never did anything about it. Probably because I never really felt it was mine to call my own.
You see, during the early years of my marriage, my in-laws would often come to stay with me for months at a time, bringing with them cooking paraphernalia from an Asian kitchen that needed to find temporary housing. My late mother-in-law would settle in with her clay pots, and jars and bottles of unfamiliar-looking ingredients, and I would quietly retreat from the kitchen and leave her to her newly staked claim.
Some years later, after the birth of my second child, another woman came to stake her own claim: my Indonesian maid, who came for two years and ended up staying for 16.
When my green fridge began wheezing and blowing hot and cold a few years back, I replaced it with cool, neutral white number. In the meantime, my cupboards had morphed into an eyesore, with their veneers beginning to curl at the edges.
I would periodically glue them back into place, but even the strongest adhesive was no permanent match for that wayward Formica. It was only when my maid returned to Indonesia a few months back, that I seriously began thinking about replacing those cupboards.
Now that I was spending more time in the kitchen, the flaws that my maid had quietly tolerated had quickly become intolerable to me. As I write this, I’m having new kitchen cupboards built in a shade of beech that reminds me of warm honey.
My green Formica cupboards have been ripped out, leaving behind a large empty space that harbours no regrets.
As for my green floor tiles, they’ve actually grown on me over the years. I checked them on the colour chart, and the shade they most resemble is called “moss green”.
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Diet Now
That is the most discouraging fact that is bothering most people now. Obesity is now the biggest modern time trouble and has affected a large population in the world.
How do we know that we are obese, its simple, the standard is using the Body Mass Index. If your body mass index is within 18-25, then you are in a normal weight. And if its more than 25, you are considered to be obese.

Now, a lot of people have been trying different ways to keep fit or ti decrease their body weight. They have tried taking diet pills, exercised, and tried eating minimal size of food but that didn't help out.
Now, my advice for you to try out this Flat Belly Diet product. I've heard a lot about its diet book and its an effective one.
The product was created for people who have tried everything to eliminate belly fat. It offers a science-based solution that combines a cutting-edge nutrition plan with expert tips and advice.
It is centered around new research that discovered that eating healthy fats
(Monounsaturated Fatty Acids or MUFAs) at every meal specifically targets belly fat -- the most dangerous fat because of its high correlation with heart disease.

Medical screening for all trainees at camps
KUALA LUMPUR: All national service trainees for the next intake will have to undergo medical screening after they report for training.
The 140,000 trainees due to attend training will be screened by one of the seven medical officers at each camp.
The screening will be done in the first two weeks of the programme.
National Service Training Department director-general Datuk Abdul Hadi Awang Kechil said this would be the standard operating procedure for future intakes to prevent any medical mishaps among trainees.
“Some teenagers will not declare that they have any problem when they report for training. So, we have to examine them,” he said in an interview.
He said if a trainee was deemed unfit for training and required further treatment, the medical officer on duty would defer his training. It, however, would not be cancelled outright.
“This means, they would still need to attend training after recovering from any medical condition they had,” he said.
According to the National Service Training Act, each trainee is obliged to attend NS training up to the age of 35.
Abdul Hadi said there would be five Health Ministry medical officers and two health department medical officers on standby at each of the 87 camps.
Every camp trainer has also received comprehensive first aid training by the Malaysian Red Crescent Society.
The next batch of 140,000 trainees will be the largest yet, an increase of 30,000 from this year. He said more than 900 volunteer trainees have applied so far.
To meet the number of the new intake, the department has altered its trainers roster to accommodate more than 5,500 trainers to achieve a ratio of one trainer for every 25 trainees.
“We called our temporary trainers and absorbed them as contract trainers. We were also open for applications.”
To ensure that trainers were prepared for the job, each new trainer was sent to a 20-day training-of-trainers course.
He said the safety and health condition of camps were checked by the Health Department, the National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) and consultants appointed by the camp operators that are approved by the department.
Local health departments are also given a free hand to go into camps and decide whether to close or take action on errant camp operators or food handlers as they saw fit.
The first of three batch of next year’s NS trainees would be notified from Nov 17 through the media. They will report for training from Dec 27.
Friday, November 14, 2008
Cheap Web Hosting Tips
It has been a few months now, initially I was kind of busy with all the classes, now I'm ready to work on it full time!
Thanks to a friend, I've finally been able to host my own domain. Web hosting nowadays have been the talking point and the recent hit. People have been creating personal blogs, weblogs and also different type of websites. And its really interesting to see how it has actually influenced a lot of people.
And my advice to all of you, do get multiple domains. Getting a website is pretty easy these days as domain names are cheaper and web hosting providers are abundant. Many companies will equip you with everything needed to get your business off the ground and establish a respectable presence on the web - almost. The major drawback is that some of them will only allow you to host a single domain on your account. Of course this wouldn’t be a problem if you only intend to create one website but things happen.
Multiple domain hosting is a good move for now and definitely the future as your business grows. Because there are a variety of ways to profit online, this is one move you will not regret. What could be any better than saving money and increasing your exposure at the same time?
If you have any doubts or questions, feel free to ask web hosting tutorials for help
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Independent customer rating of the best web hosting providers. Every month our visitors vote for the best web hosts for web hosting awards in each of the 12 web hosting categories, and at the end of each month, our system automatically generates the list of the best hosting companies. So before you sign up for web hosting, check who's been voted the best web hosting provider this month!
Secure Your Assets
If you are one who does things yourself, looking to install your own wired or wireless security system or security cameras, you've come to the right place! Security systems caters to those who wish to save money or perhaps avoid monthly security monitoring commitments by installing their own professional grade security systems or security cameras. They offer the best pricing and support available. They guarantee it!
Choose from different types of security systems, sensors, detectors and other sophisticated gadgets to provide the best security ever!
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Shed off some weight
The answer is diet pill.
Diet pills help individuals lose weight. It's that simple. They act as a supplementary option that can be taken through the weight loss process to assist in curbing an individual's habitual hunger, boosting their metabolism and energy levels, thus aiding in the shedding of however many pounds is desired. All in all, diet pills act as a faster, less-conventional way to lose unwanted weight.
Those who should take diet pills are those who need to lose weight, but have found that all other attempts have not yielded them any or satisfying results. And, as it stands, the majority of Americans need to take diet pills -no matter their previous efforts- as many of them are considerably overweight. One important thing to note here, pertaining to all those interested in diet pills – it's suggested that individuals gain confidence to take them through a doctor's approval, first and foremost.
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Optical World
Now that Zenni on Fox, they have been featured in the popular TV. How amazing!
One of the most important aspects of frame fit is frame width, and you may compare the width of the frame you're currently wearing, to those dimensions shown on the website. Frame width is determined by measuring from the widest point of the frame, on one side, to the outermost point on the other side of the frame, at the temple.
Monday, November 3, 2008
Recently Carlsberg launches Web-TV channel about football and fan life
Recently Carlsberg Brewery launched a football web-TV-channel
They launched 5 channels showing all aspects about football from the classic football matches to life as a fan.
Be sure not to miss the video clips about football funnies and rituals from the Football Magic channel.
As an extra feature you can upload your own favourite football moments. Even, if you’ve found the videos on YouTube etc

Friday, October 31, 2008
No Spams Please
Publish Postubled telemarketers. I am very fed up with those tons of spams and junk mails attacking my blog and my email everyday.
The job to clear all the junk mails is really wasting my time. If I just leave it there, I’m afraid it might be harmful to the entire operation of my computer. Recently, my colleague and I keep receiving junk mails saying that we are the lucky chosen one who won a huge sum of money. My colleague who was too curious, he replied the email and it resulted his computer need to go for re-format because too many viruses found subsequently.
So please do not call up these fraud phone calls and spams
And of course by avoiding these spams and junks we can actually
Save Trees and provide a better healthier environment.

Private practices
Sexual practices are highly varied in our society but some pose risks of infections.
EVERY person is different. People themselves also differ at different phases of their lives. In the same vein, there is much variation in sexual practices.
The practices described in this article are for information only. There may be religious, cultural, social or other reasons for acceptance or non-acceptance of any of the practices.
Petting is an American word that means “to stroke or caress”. It has the same meaning as foreplay, that is, something done prior to commencement of sexual intercourse. It refers to the stimulation of another person’s genital organs or breasts. This prepares the body for sexual intercourse.
Petting is useful for those who need to express their emotions and get sexual relief and who do not want to have sexual intercourse or whose circumstances do not permit it.
There is a small risk of acquiring sexually transmitted infections (STI) if the petting involves oral sex but it is substantially less than that of the full course. The infections include herpes, gonorrhoea and even HIV.
In general, petting is very safe and if done skilfully, is vital for female sexual satisfaction.
Masturbation refers to sexual arousal and often orgasm resulting from manual stimulation of the genital organs. The term is commonly used to indicate self stimulation. However, the actual definition includes pleasuring by and of another person.
Masturbation was frowned on until the latter part of the 20th century and was widely considered as a sin. To some extent, this was influenced by doctors who did not approve of it with claims that it had terrible health consequences, which was all not evidence based.
Societies gradually became more tolerant of masturbation but negative connotations still persist although most experts today have a positive view of it. Some people, especially in Asia, believe that it drains the body of energy and may shorten one’s life span but there is no published evidence to support such a belief.
This practice is the one that most people learn first, quite instinctively. A baby boy learns that touching the penis makes him feel good even before he learns to talk. It is not surprising that most baby boys touch their penis a lot.
By the time of adolescence, the boy discovers that masturbation can lead to ejaculation and orgasm. Males masturbate mostly in their adolescent years with the frequency getting less as they get older.
Adolescent girls do not masturbate as boys do. Some girls discover at a young age that they get pleasant feelings from their genital organs.
Masturbation is one of the safest sexual practices. The only occasion when masturbation is unsafe is when potentially harmful objects like vacuum cleaners are used.
Oral sex refers to the use of the mouth, tongue, teeth and throat in stimulation of the genital organs.
Oral sex performed on a female is called cunnilingus and that on a male is called fellatio. The oral stimulation of the anus is called analingus.
Published data on the prevalence of oral sex is limited. However, a survey of more than 12,000 Americans in 2005 revealed that more than half of teenagers had practised oral sex.
Sexually transmitted infections (STI) can be transmitted through oral sex. They include human papilloma virus (HPV), herpes, hepatitis, chlamydia, gonorrhoea, and HIV. Although the risks are less than that of vaginal or anal sex, there are risks nevertheless. This is particularly so when the recipient of oral sex has wounds or open sores on their genital organs or the giving partner has wounds or sores on or in their mouth and/or oral cavity.
Activities that traumatise the mouth and/or oral cavity such as brushing or flossing teeth soon after giving oral sex increases the risk of contracting STI and other common infections in the genital organs.
By itself, oral sex cannot lead to pregnancy as there is no communication between the gastrointestinal and reproductive tracts. However, there is a potential risk if there is indirect contact between the male’s semen and the female genital organs. The use of condoms and/or dental dams will reduce the risk of infection considerably.
Vaginal sex refers to the insertion of the erect penis into the vagina. It is the method practised by most heterosexual couples.
Some couples insert devices into the vagina as part of their sexual activities. This is not considered vaginal sex. Such practice is not to be encouraged as the devices can perforate the genital organs, damaging it and other internal organs.
During my career, I have had to remove such devices from the abdominal cavity and intestines. All the patients affected were not only physically traumatised but also psychologically.
Pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections (STI) are the common risks. There are many contraceptive choices to prevent unwanted pregnancy such as the pill, intra-uterine contraceptive device, injections and condoms.
The use of condoms will reduce the risk of STI. It is also used in addition to other contraceptive methods for this reason. The best method of preventing STI is to have a faithful sexual partner.
Rear entry
Anal sex refers to sexual activity involving the anus. The activities include inserting the penis into the partner’s anus, inserting a finger into the anus (postillionage), inserting the hand into the rectum (fisting), contact between the mouth and the anus (rimming) and inserting devices into the anus.
The anal area in males and females has a very extensive supply of nerves, which is probably the reason why some couples obtain pleasure from anal sex. The common perception that anal sex is practised solely by homosexual men is not accurate. It is estimated that about a third of gays do not practise anal sex and that about 10% of heterosexual couples regularly practise anal sex. According to the Durex 2005 Sex Survey, 19% of Malaysian respondents had experienced anal sex as compared to 35% globally.
There are many people who view the various types of anal sex, especially anal intercourse, with disgust. The objections may be religious, cultural or personal. While some people find anal sex repulsive, there are others who find it stimulating and part of their routine sexual activity.
The risks of contracting sexually transmitted infection and other infections of the lower genital tract are increased in anal sex. The infections include human papilloma virus (HPV), herpes, hepatitis, chlamydia, gonorrhoea, HIV and Escherichia coli. The risks are much more than oral sex.
In fact, anal sex is the commonest mode of transmission of HIV in many countries. HPV and HIV infections transmitted during anal intercourse predispose the affected individual to other infections, and in the case of HPV, the development of cancer of the anus as well.
The best way of avoiding the risks of anal sex is to avoid it altogether. There are other sexual practices that are just as pleasurable. However, some couples may still practice anal sex regardless. It is advisable to use condoms, especially toughened ones designed for anal intercourse, and water soluble lubricants which may provide some protection. Other safety measures include: ensuring that the anal area is clean and the bowels have emptied; and the recipient must be able to relax the anal sphincter.
Monday, October 27, 2008
Network problems
Sapia Networks has a staff dedicated to purchasing your legacy routers, switches, voip phones, and hardware equipment. We buy, sell, and trade used cisco, Juniper, Foundry, Brocade, and other top manufacturers and so can provide an aggressive asset recovery solution to help you get the most value out of your IT hardware. It doesn't matter whether it's new, used, or refurbished... our IT Asset Recovery team provides full-cycle services to transport, warehouse, inventory, remarket and/or dispose of legacy, surplus, or junked, retired, used network equipment.