And of course as a beginner, my page started slow with traffic, and my layout wasn’t looking so nice though. Luckily I have friends who had helped me a lot through all these, taught me the basics of changing templates, adding features to my blog, sidebars especially.
Part of my motive to start blogging of course, besides expressing my feelings here, was to earn some revenue through blogging. I’ve heard a lot about how bloggers earn a fortune through blogging! Haha!
Now is my turn to try it out. But recently, I’m getting kind of sick at blogging, I’m really out of ideas for my posts! Maybe I’ll continue to be active during my summer break back in Malaysia. By then I’ll have plenty of time to do these.
Recently signed up for SocialSpark, its a new company, of course for bloggers to earn money through their blogs. Nice and interactive. So, lets sign up now, help spread the word. SocialSpark is open for business!

I loved this post and this blog.
Terima kasih
these pay per post website is really easy to sign up but really hard to get a paid post, especially if the blog u own is not famous and have limited readers.
plus, if we use words like -lah, malay words, and when they review the blog, they will say that ur blog is not written clearly and there for no sponsored post for u!
i experienced with few of them and it is a total disaster..
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