Friday, July 9, 2010

Get rid of fat

The diet pill industry is full of alternatives that are not only devoid of results, they are also full of side effects and risks to your health. All of the hottest diet pills, including one that calls itself “FDA approved” come with either dangerous or just embarrassing side effects, and it seems there is no way to avoid it. How do you avoid falling victim to yet another faulty diet pill?

There is a revolutionary, new diet pill called Lipofuze that they can barely keep in stock, because everybody keeps ordering it. It is getting amazing reviews and is quickly becoming the world’s top diet pill. Lipofuze works to burn fat and help you to finally lose the weight you want.

Green Tea: the most popular of all weight loss ingredients, green tea promotes thermogenesis and uses antioxidant power to improve the blood’s circulation and overall metabolic health.

Capsaicin: found in the cayenne pepper, this is the active element and antioxidant that will help you to promote fat burning and lose weight. It promotes fat oxidation in studies and therefore weight loss

Synephrine: derived from the bitter orange extract, synephrine is a chemical cousin of ephedra, and it produces the same benefits without the side effects. It has been proven to boost energy, suppress appetite, and boost metabolism.

DHEA: increasing thermogenic enzyme activity, DHEA supports healthy thyroid function and regulates our body’s heat and metabolism.

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