Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Happy Men's Day

Had another round of makan together with friends, this was to celebrate Men's Day in Russia. Had rather a luxurious meal. Look at the pictures and you'll understand why


First stop we had abalone!! Imagine that, thanks to Benny though, he brought the abalone all the way from Malaysia

abalone soup

The product : abalone soup !! Nicest soup I've ever drank in Russia. Haha!


Razor clams with mixed vege


Pork with sea cucumber. Yum yum, Choc Ky brought the sea cucumber over, had a hard time rinsing it and cleaning.


Kelvin made springrolls ^^


Looks like Peking duck to me.. Haha

Bet you guys started to secrete some saliva after watching these pics? Lol

1 comment:

Napaboaniya.Elaine Ling said...

I'm sick with a bland taste in my mouth, these pictures are making me drool though!

Men's Day? Interesting! Just like Woman's Day on 8th March (三八夫nu节)?
