Saturday, January 19, 2008

Looking for That Someone ?

Are you troubled by the problem of having to search all over your house, tossing and turning every cupboard, drawers, cabinets just to find a contact number of a long lost friend? Or looking around for the name card of business partner, engineer, accountant, doctor, colleague or any person you are greatly in need of?

I now have the solution, Spock is your answer ! What is Spock actually ? Spock is a unique new people search application where people can be searched by name, e-mail, or tag (personal attribute such as blind, curly hair, accountant, etc). With users can easily contribute information and pictures about themselves and others. A Spock search result will let you know where else that person can be found by displaying links to a blog, LinkedIn profile, myspace page, etc. Whether you're looking for a web designer in Seattle, or a friend from high school, an engineer you lost contact of, with Spock you can easily search people in a more efficient way than on Google or Yahoo. Spock is good for professional and social purposes as well

Besides, when you join, you can build your search network to find where everyone you know is on the internet. Every time you search, Spock will personalize your results to include information about friends and colleagues. You can enhance your search experience even further by establishing a trust relationship with others on Spock. By connecting with trusted contacts you will be able to search within their network to rediscover people you've lost touch with and make new acquaintances through friends.

You can also add and modify information that Spock finds about you on the internet. This ensures that people who are searching for you can find you, and more importantly, that they can find the right information about you.

How does Spock gather information?
Spock combines two very powerful forces. First, our technology organizes web content about people into easily understood search results. We search for information on biography pages, social networks, news sites, blogs, directories... pretty much every place imaginable on the internet. Second, the Spock community contributes information to help enhance the search experience. Spock users can add tags, pictures, and web links or simply vote on existing information to increase its relevance. By contributing information about people in your life you improve the search experience not only for yourself, but for everyone.
